Passenger guide

Find all the necessary information to make travelling through Albury Airport as easy as possible.

There are a range of check-in options, making your journey through the airport easier than ever.


View baggage allowances, learn about dangerous goods or find out what happens when your baggage is left unattended.


Keeping travellers, visitors and our airport community safe is our top priority. Our security measures comply with aviation screening procedures to keep air travel secure.

Lost Property

Have you lost something at Albury Airport? we can help. Our customer service team handle items lost in our terminals as well as in car parks.

Latest News

There is always something happening at Albury Airport. From new routes, deals and airlines to future expansion plans.


Common questions about security, baggage and other travel related issues answered to help make your life easier.

Rex And Qantas Plane Parked on Airside at Albury Airport
COVID safe air travel

Your safety and health is Albury Airport's priority

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The Albury Airport acknowledges the Wiradjuri people as the traditional custodians of the land in which we live and work and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and future for they hold the memories, culture, tradition and hopes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that contribute to our community.