Conditions of Entry to Albury Airport Car Park

The following conditions apply when you enter, leave or use this Car Park.

  1. You enter and use this car park at your own risk.
  2. AlburyCity is not liable to you or any person with you for:
    • injury to you or anybody else;
    • damage to, destruction of, theft of or unauthorised delivery of your vehicle or any other vehicle;
    • or damage to, destruction of, theft of or delivery of any property including anything in or on your vehicle.
  3. You agree to indemnify AlburyCity in respect of any claim made against it as a consequence of, in relation to, or in any way arising from your use of this car park.
  4. AlburyCity will not be liable to you for delivery of your vehicle to any person who did not have authority to take your vehicle.
  5. You agree:
    • to produce when requested by us, your parking ticket as proof of payment of the parking fee;
    • not to cause any obstruction;
    • not to park anywhere designated as a No Parking area;
    • to comply with all reasonable directions and requests made by authorised officers.