Our vision is to be recognised as a top tier Airport delivering exceptional outcomes to our customers, partners, shareholders and community including the health, safety and welfare of our staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors.

As such, we have a duty of care to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of workers and visitors to our sites. Safety is a fundamental core value for us.

To demonstrate our commitment to health and safety , we will:

  • As a minimum comply with all relevant regulatory and other requirements;
  • Implement and maintain a Work Health and Safety Management System compliant with AS/NZS 4801;
  • Promote a continuous improvement approach to the management of health and safety;
  • Integrate health and safety management with other business, financial, operational and human resource planning and management;
  • Provide a balanced focus on the management of health and wellbeing, personnel and operational safety;
  • Work in consultation with and communicate to all employees and contractors on health and safety issues in the workplace;
  • Ensure positive safety culture and team capability is developed through the provision of relevant and up-to-date information, training, instruction & supervision;
  • Proactively pursue the identification of all hazards and eliminate or, if not possible, manage the risk to as low as reasonably practicable; and
  • Monitor, audit and report on measurable objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating workplace injury and illness.

Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP)

The Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) Part 99 Drug and Alcohol Management Plans and Testing applies to all individuals who are to carry out Safety Sensitive Aviation Activities (SSAA) and / or those required to work airside at AAL.

Further information on Drug and Alcohol testing including frequently asked questions and definitions can be accessed by visiting the Drug and Alcohol Information Section of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.